Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fabric Shader effect

I recently had to create a fabric bag and I used a gamma correct with a facing ratio fall off that added a nice velvet style effect. in my render it's subtle but the effect is still there. There are many tutorials for this but not many for maya.
All I did was use the fabric texture twice, one brightened with a gamma of 1.6 and another with a gamma of 0.7. The texture with the darker gamma is used for the facing side and the lighter one is used on the edges applied though the facing ratio from a sampler info node. It helps convey a softer  fabric that's hard to get. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mentalray IBL sphere transform Issue

Mentalray IBL sphere transform Issue
I ran into an issue using mentalray's  IBL sphere. I would move or rotate the display sphere but in the render it changed nothing. The solution is to turn off the "infinite" check box. turning off that setting in the spheres attribute editor allows you to move it around and that transform will be reflected in the render.